Thursday, February 6, 2014

Melissa Romagnuolo - Artist Statement

One day I hope to work in animation making video games, movies, or shows. The whole idea of taking a picture and making it come to life is amazing to me. I have always taken art classes in school and even a sculpting class. With that, my creativity grew. My art teacher in high school would always encourage me to never stop drawing, to never give up, and to do what I love as a career because I will be doing it for a while. As I got older I started to realize what kind of shows, games, or movies I wanted to make. My first interest came from a T.V show from when I was younger. It was a 2D show called Brace Face. It was a clumsy girl who of course had braces. What was different about her was that her braces would get in the way and cause crazy things to happen all the time, but she always overcame the obstacles she was faced with. This whole idea of a cartoon teenager dealing with parents, friends, and boys intrigued me. The show made me feel less alone at that age and I was able to relate to her. Like the things I was enduring in life, she was as well. We don't have many shows like that anymore. I liked the idea of a leading character who is not perfect, just clumsy, and uncertain but still stands out. I want a show of my own to reach out to young girls as Brace Face did to me.

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