Friday, March 7, 2014

Define Space Project- Rebecca Wang


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I liked your choice of location, it was a unqiue space at Hunter. I enjoyed the footage of the dance studio because I am almost felt like I was there myself. I might have shortened some of the footage a bit though.

  3. I really enjoyed your video. I thought the visuals were very graceful and well put together with the music. I saw that you edited the ballerinas to point their toes to certain beats and it added a nice touch. I also really loved the beginning because of how quick the scenes were cut, it caught my eye immediately and heightened the music.

  4. I thought the shots were well composed and did a good job at showcasing the dancers. I felt that the song didn't really match up with the theme of the video, considering the song was pretty bass heavy it kinda clashed with the light, gracefulness of ballet. The location was cool because I didn't even know we had a dance studio.

  5. I like how you use different angle to approach the dancers and the camera is not shaky, very good control in zooming in and out, makes the audience very comfortable to watch lol~~the only i would change is to cut the length of the music make it shorter at the end. Anyway, the video is interesting ^^

  6. I think you did a great job defining a Hunter space through its purpose - a ballet studio. The close up shots of the dancers feet gave a narrative of its own. I just learned something from watching your video, hunter has a dance studio and they teach ballet.

  7. I particularly liked the shots focusing on the dancer's feet (@ 1:20), thats a really interesting way to define the dance studio space and include a sense of the dancer without putting a whole person on display.
